
How Istio service mesh can keep Spring Boot microservices light weight

Over the years Spring Boot has become de facto chose for designing in building microservices. The micro service architecture brings lot of benefits by decomposing monolith into small independent components. However, which also brings common challenges related to distributed computing architecture. To overcome those challenges spring cloud has added many libraries like -          Eureka for service registry -          Hystrix for circuit breaker -          Zipkin for distributed tracing to name a few. All the above mentioned are cross cutting concerns and not limited to specific microservices. Hence one need to add these libraries into all micro services and embed them in the code by annotating them. This is invasive approach. As Kubernetes become preferred container orchestration platform, service deployed on Kubernetes can leverage Service mesh like Istio & Linkerd to solve the above problem differently. Service mesh creates sidecar container in the same pod where microservices is